
SavlonAntisepticCreamismild,soothingandhealingforuseoncuts,scratches,blisters,grazes,windburn,sunburn,insectbites,crackedanditchyskin.,Cetrimide,ChlorhexidineDigluconateUsetocleanse&helppreventinfection:FirstAid-Cuts&grazes-Insectbites&stings-Minorburns&scalds-Shaving ...,包裹尺寸,‎14.1x12.5x4.19厘米;132公克.商品重量,‎132克.製造商,‎Savlon.ASIN,‎B009Q3SVW6.客戶評價,4.6顆星,最高...

Savlon Soothing and Healing Antiseptic Cream 30g

Savlon Antiseptic Cream is mild, soothing and healing for use on cuts, scratches, blisters, grazes, windburn, sunburn, insect bites, cracked and itchy skin.

Savlon Antiseptic Cream 100G

Cetrimide, Chlorhexidine DigluconateUse to cleanse & help prevent infection:First Aid- Cuts & grazes- Insect bites & stings- Minor burns & scalds- Shaving ...

Savlon Antiseptic Cream 30Gm Antiseptic Cream.

包裹尺寸, ‎14.1 x 12.5 x 4.19 厘米; 132 公克. 商品重量, ‎132 克. 製造商, ‎Savlon. ASIN, ‎B009Q3SVW6. 客戶評價, 4.6 顆星,最高5 顆星 158評論. 暢銷商品排名.

Savlon Antiseptic Cream | Official Website

Savlon Antiseptic Cream is suitable for both adults and children to cleanse and reduce the risk of infection in minor wounds, cuts and grazes, and superficial ...

Savlon Antiseptic Cream for Cuts Grazes Bites 75g

Savlon Antiseptic Cream is mild, soothing and healing for use on cuts, scratches, blisters, grazes, windburn, sunburn, insect bites, cracked and itchy skin.

Savlon Antiseptic Cream

Use to cleanse & help prevent infection: First Aid Cuts & grazes. Insect bites & stings. Minor burns & scalds. Shaving cuts. Skin problems: As an antiseptic ...

Savlon Antiseptic Cream 30g

Savlon Antiseptic Cream helps prevent infection in cuts and grazes; insect bites and stings; sore or chapped skin; blisters, burns and spots as well as ...

Savlon 抗菌霜- 30 克

Savlon 抗菌霜是每個人的急救箱必不可少的。 有助於預防感染、清潔傷口並協助自然癒合。 ​ 完美貼身於棉羊毛上,能快速在受損區域工作, 快速恢復。

Savlon Antiseptic Cream

Savlon is a first aid treatment for minor wounds, burns and skin reactions. Our range of products can be used to help prevent infection in cuts, grazes, burns, ...

xp-AntiSpy 3.98- XP/Window7進階調整

xp-AntiSpy 3.98- XP/Window7進階調整
